Webinar Library

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8/13/2024Promote Your TTO More Effectively

This webinar will be recorded live on August 13, 2024. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

Use better communications techniques to make your tech transfer successes resonate across the university and beyond. Join this webinar to learn journalism and storytelling techniques that grab the audience and make them want to learn more. This webinar, hosted by a Better World Project (BWP) committee member and communications professional, will use the BWP submission process as a template for teaching powerful frameworks and practical advice. Come out of the webinar ready to submit an amazing BWP application. More broadly, you’ll be ready to gain the awareness and recognition your TTO deserves.

0.00225.00WEB240813Promote Your TTO More Effectively
7/25/2024Patents for TTOs In View of Recent Case Development
Design patents cover new and nonobvious ornamental designs and can be a relatively quick and relatively easy to obtain. It is a tool available to TTOs that is often overlook or underutilized. In this webinar we will review the basics of what is a design patent, what type items it can protect, how to prepare a design patent, how design patents are found to be infringed under the traditional Gorham v White test, and the new tests on validity in view of LKQ v. GM. We will also discuss open questions on how AI may change the game.
0.00225.00WEB240725Patents for TTOs In View of Recent Case Development
7/11/2024The US-Bolt Term Sheet for Climate Startups

This webinar will be recorded live on July 11, 2024. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

In Fall 2023, a group of universities and VCs who have significant experience in launching climate startups worked together to a version of the US-BOLT startup term sheet templates for use with climate-related innovations. That effort culminated in April 2024, when the group released the approved version of the climate template, an event which was celebrated by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy in Washington, DC. The panelists will discuss how the effort came together, ways it was similar and different from the lifescience version of the US-BOLT, and how the termsheet should be used by universities and VCs going forward.

0.00225.00WEB240711The US-Bolt Term Sheet for Climate Startups
6/4/2024Tech Start Up licensing Issues

This webinar will be recorded live on June 4, 2024. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

Any university technology license presents challenges, but licenses to technology start-ups present their own unique challenges. This session will cover the fundamentals in how an institution approaches the structure and contractual provisions of a technology start-up license and will discuss how the university can manage critical issues and traps that arise in such agreements. The session will also discuss some of the current pressures the technology start-ups are concerned with, and the likely push backs to except from technology start-ups and their investors and approaches in how institutions can manage issues. Topics to be discussed include due diligence approaches to licensees, approaches in setting and managing milestones, understanding traps in affiliate, sublicensing and subcontracting arrangements, and other issues.

0.00225.00WEB240604Tech Start Up licensing Issues
5/23/2024Strategies for Fostering Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

This webinar will be recorded live on May 23, 2024. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

US academic institutions are facing significant challenges with respect to equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in view of the US Supreme Court's ban on affirmative action and the passage by several states of laws restricting EDI activities. This webinar will explore the current legal landscape for EDI as it relates to US academic institutions and will provide practical strategies and tips for how TTOs continue their EDI efforts.

0.00225.00WEB240523Strategies for Fostering Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
5/9/2024Navigating Pitfalls and Maximizing Partnering Success

This webinar will be recorded live on May 9, 2024. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

Don't miss this chance to sharpen your non-confidential deck crafting skills in preparation for your next partnering event. Gain mastery over preparatory strategies essential for successful partnering meetings. Join AUTM's upcoming webinar for insights into crafting compelling non-confidential decks tailored for academic-industry partnerships. Explore the intricacies of data presentation, understanding what to include and exclude from non-confidential slide decks. Engage with panelists as they share strategies for effectively presenting data to potential partners, facilitating thorough evaluation. Discover how TTOs can customize their data presentation to align with the diverse needs and interests of various collaboration types, thereby maximizing engagement and partnership potential. Panelists will provide valuable tips for effective follow-up post-partnering meeting, ensuring continued momentum and fruitful collaboration opportunities.

0.00225.00WEB240509Navigating Pitfalls and Maximizing Partnering Success
5/2/2024Tailoring Your AI Tools for Tech Transfer Transformation

This webinar will be recorded live on May 2, 2024. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

This webinar explores customizing AI tools to better support your unique tech transfer processes and goals. Join experts as they guide you through AI integration for market analysis, lead generation, partnership cultivation, and commercialization strategies.

0.00225.00WEB240502Tailoring Your AI Tools for Tech Transfer Transformation
4/16/2024USPTO AI Patent Policy InitiativesThe United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) plays an important role in incentivizing and protecting innovation, including innovation enabled by artificial intelligence (AI), to ensure continued U.S. leadership in AI and other emerging technologies (ET). Recent advances in AI, including in generative AI, pose newfound questions for IP law, policy, and examination procedure. The USPTO is developing new policies to address these issues. For example, on February, 13, 2024, the USPTO announced the Inventorship Guidance for AI-Assisted Inventions. Additionally, the UPSTO has also issued guidance on the use of AI tools by applicants and practitioners before the USPTO. This session will discuss these issues and other patent policy initiatives currently under consideration at the USPTO. 0.00225.00WEB240416USPTO AI Patent Policy Initiatives
4/9/2024Innovation Ambassador Program: Empowering Faculty 0.00225.00WEB240409Innovation Ambassador Program: Empowering Faculty
3/28/2024Holistic Approach - Successful Commercialization of ResearchWith large-scale research consortia, public-private partnerships, and other multi-sectoral collaborative research projects becoming more prevalent in academia, the function of "research management" will be as important as the research itself for the timely and successful delivery of expected outputs. In this webinar, you will learn about the different elements of the research management process, and the role that knowledge exchange/technology transfer professionals can play in driving the efficient commercialization of research results. Case studies from various jurisdictions will offer guidance on IP management, risk management, project management, and other areas where KE/TT expertise is essential to the success of research, development & innovation (R&D&I) partnerships. 0.00225.00WEB240328Holistic Approach - Successful Commercialization of Research
3/21/2024The AI Enabled TTOThis session will address how AI can be harnessed by Tech Transfer Offices (TTOs) to enhance the efficiency and efficacy of TTO workflows. A critical exploration of AI's role in automating routine tasks will follow, liberating TTO professionals from administrative burdens and enabling them to redirect their expertise towards strategic endeavors. Examples will be provided and queries shared with the audience. The lecture will delve into the potential of AI-driven tools in market trend analysis, competitor assessment, the valuation of intellectual assets, and compliance, presenting a compelling case for expedited decision-making and resource optimization particularly for small offices. Panelists will discuss the development and refinement of AI based tools at NYU, and how adopting these technologies from scratch took shape. 0.00225.00WEB240321The AI Enabled TTO
2/5/2024Sneak Preview: AUTM Valuation Course in San Diego!

This webinar will be recorded live on February 5, 2024. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

Join us to take an early look at some of the content from the upcoming AUTM Valuation Course to be given at the 2024 Annual Meeting in San Diego. This session will guide you through the "Creating Value" module of the course and help you better understand your licensee's business model and key success factors as well as how certain aspects may affect the license terms and negotiation. With this "Creating Value" session, you will be off to an excellent start in understanding: " Long Tail of IP Value " Value of IP to the University " Value of IP to the Licensee " What to Know Before you Negotiate a License " Factors that Affect Value of a Potential License " Startup or Established Company? " Running Royalties " Royalty Base

0.00225.00WEB240205Sneak Preview: AUTM Valuation Course in San Diego!
1/30/2024Addressing Patent Enablement Issues Post Amgen

This webinar will be recorded live on January 30, 2024. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

The session will review the recent Amgen Supreme Court Decision, which found that Amgen's patent covering its cholesterol lowering drug Repatha invalid for lack of enablement. The claims of the patent are broadly directed to an antibody that binds certain epitopes on the PCSK9 enzyme. The session will involve analyzing the Supreme Court's rationale for lack of enablement and explore its impact on patenting strategies for life science discoveries more generally.

0.00225.00WEB240130Addressing Patent Enablement Issues Post Amgen
1/29/2024Understanding NIST's Proposed March-In Framework

This webinar will be recorded live on January 29, 2024. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

With the unveiling of NIST's draft inter-agency framework for march in rights, one of the most challenging threats to our profession is now on our doorstep. The Bayh-Dole Act's march-in provision allows the federal government to take back patent rights for federally funded inventions under very specific circumstances. The "draft interagency guidance framework" proposed by NIST seeks to substantially increase the government's march-in authority. AUTM believes this misguided effort to expand march-in rights will stifle innovation by creating significant uncertainty in licensing of all federally funded inventions-not just drugs.

0.00150.00WEB240129Understanding NIST's Proposed March-In Framework
1/25/2024Deal Sheet: An Impactful Way to Reflect Your Achievements

This webinar will be recorded live on January 25, 2024. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

This webinar will discuss the potential impact a deal sheet has on your career advancement. Different types of deal sheets will be reviewed along with the types of deals to be added to your deal sheet. Don't know where to get the information that should be included? Join us to find out! Also of value, what not to add to the deal sheet in terms of confidentiality will be reviewed.

0.00225.00WEB240125Deal Sheet: An Impactful Way to Reflect Your Achievements
12/13/2023Pulling Back the Curtain on Deep Tech Due Diligence

This webinar will be recorded live on December 13 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

How do venture capitalists choose which deep tech ideas to build? This webinar will spotlight how VCs think about product-market fit. Learn how they stress test technologies and validate the cutting-edge ideas that will define the future..

150.00225.00WEB231213Pulling Back the Curtain on Deep Tech Due Diligence
12/7/2023Grants Management 101 for Technology Transfer Professionals 150.00225.00WEB231207Grants Management 101 for Technology Transfer Professionals
11/21/2023Transparency and Intellectual Property in ChinaThis webinar will be recorded live on November 21, 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. China has made significant advancements in intellectual property law and practice over the past four decades following the introduction of a Trademark Law (1982), a Patent Law (1985), and a Copyright Law (1991). China's court system has also experienced notable developments, including the establishment of specialized intellectual property courts. However, a lack of transparency in many areas of IP portfolio development and enforcement threatens to compromise efforts to develop a world-class IP system. In the area of patents, applicants frequently have a difficult time understanding the nuances of patent prosecution, including unwritten rules related to accelerating patent examination. This session will examine the many frustrations and obstacles that may be encountered through the process of IP development. 150.00225.00WEB231121Transparency and Intellectual Property in China
11/15/2023The True Value of Startup Equity

This webinar will be recorde live on November 15, 2023. the recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

A key term negotiated in licenses with startups/spinouts is the equity granted to the university. This equity typically is granted in lieu of significant upfront license fees and/or in recognition of the university's contributions to the principal investigator or the intellectual property (IP). The amount of equity varies depending on factors that may include the type of IP, antidilution provisions and ongoing support to be provided by the university. This panel discussion will provide national and international perspectives from tech transfer offices and from venture capital investors. The panel will also explore different equity models and the "true value" of equity in different scenarios.

150.00225.00WEB231115The True Value of Startup Equity
9/20/2023The European Unitary Patent System: The Risks and Benefits

The new European Unitary Patent system is open for business, which means universities now have a choice when it comes to filing patent applications in Europe: as a unitary patent valid in most European nations, as a traditional patent valid in a specific nation or a combination of the two approaches. The unitary patent system is intended to harmonize national laws, reduce costs, and encourage European innovation, but benefits coincide with risks in the new patent landscape. For patent owners, it is essential to have a basic understanding of the new unitary system and the new Unified Patent Court (UPC).

150.00225.00WEB230920The European Unitary Patent System: The Risks and Benefits
9/14/2023Sub-licensing: Horror Scenarios & How to Avoid Them

This webinar will be recorded live on September 14, 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

Sub-licensing seems to be an aspect of licensing strategies that is sometimes neglected, yet varying sub-license terms can have a dramatic effect on the royalty returns to the licensor and even a licensee's ability to commercialize technology. This webinar will cover situations where sub-licensing considerations become important, key financial clauses and their effects, negotiation positions and other key considerations, including which elements are desirable to flow down into the sub-license.

150.00225.00WEB230914Sub-licensing: Horror Scenarios & How to Avoid Them
8/30/2023Project Management for Multi-Party Consortia Grants

This webinar will be recorded live on August 30, 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

Pursuing and successful managing complex multi-party grant awards, such as NSF ART, NSF Engine, EDA Tech Hub, NIH REACH, and others, requires project management best practices to coordinate transdisciplinary teams for productive outcomes. Project management is not just "being organized", but instead is a professionally certified set of skills, knowledge and practices that should be employed with fidelity. It is important for technology transfer offices and related ecosystem partners to understand project management, as research universities are increasingly investing in this capability. This includes learning how it is uniquely applied to the grant proposal team building, concept buy-in, proposal drafting, pre-award management, and post-award management processes.

150.00225.00WEB230830Project Management for Multi-Party Consortia Grants
8/15/2023How to Attract Industry Partners

This webinar will be recorded live on August 15, 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

Have you ever wondered why some entrepreneurs are wildly successful, mediocre or destined to fail? Attracting the right industry partners can make or break the commercial viability of an early-stage/startup technology solution-whether it's a product, service or both. In this session you'll learn how to create compelling reasons for a company to partner with your TTO and foster conversations that lead to meaningful relationships and commercial success. We will share real-world examples from our experiences.

150.00225.00WEB230815How to Attract Industry Partners
6/13/2023Storytelling for Impact

This webinar will be recorded live on June 13, 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

The need to demonstrate the impact and value of technology transfer through compelling stories emerged as a recurring theme. However, distilling often complex information into narratives and delivering engaging, accessible stories in high-stakes situations can be a challenge, particularly for those unfamiliar with storytelling techniques.

This webinar will include practical case studies to illustrate the strategies available, highlight a successful use of storytelling and also storytelling pitfalls to avoid, so you can quickly harness and apply the power of storytelling in your own work.

150.00225.00WEB230613Storytelling for Impact
6/1/2023Benefits of Assisting Faculty with Consultancy Services

This webinar will be recorded live on June 1, 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

Some universities aid faculty with review and administration of consulting services they provide to industry while holding down their academic positions. What are the benefits of a university providing this service to its faculty? Why is this relatively common in the United Kingdom, but less common in the US?

If your office is thinking of adding value and intrigued about adding this service, join us for this interactive webinar where you'll learn from the heads of Oxford and Cambridge's Consultancy Services as well as colleagues from the US who have set up a service at their institution.

150.00225.00WEB230601Benefits of Assisting Faculty with Consultancy Services
5/11/2023Generative AI has Arrived: Essential Knowledge for TTOs

This webinar was recorded live on May 11, 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date.

What is generative AI? Why should you care? In this session, you will discover the current state of AI and applications, such as ChatGPT, that are already at your disposal. Learn how you can implement these tools in your office, some of the most pressing risks and concerns your office might face, and a look into what's coming next.

150.00225.00WEB230511Generative AI has Arrived: Essential Knowledge for TTOs
4/13/2023TTOs Can be PIs Too: Competitive Grant Application and Mgmt

This webinar was recorded live on April 13, 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date.

The landscape of federal grant opportunities is shifting and TTOs are now targets to collaborate with and even lead grant proposals to build translational research programs and innovation ecosystems. But of course, while we are used to supporting our faculty PIs, actually being a PI is not within our expected job descriptions. Until now.

Grant writing requires more than just knowing how to write. There are certain concepts specific to competing for and managing grants that are necessary to understand • it’s much more than simply following a template. Join us to learn how to prepare grant proposals that get solid results, including identifying and reviewing Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), partnering with internal support units like proposal development and sponsored projects administration offices, building competitive teams, pulling together supporting documentation including creative budgets, and interacting with program officers (PO).

With specific emphasis on the federal grant opportunities being made available for TTO involvement currently, this webinar will give you valuable tools to pursue funding from the federal government, state government, or foundations and is led by those with extensive experience in grant applications and funding.

150.00225.00WEB230413TTOs Can be PIs Too: Competitive Grant Application and Mgmt
4/4/2023Next Generation Competitive Advantage in Tech Transfer

This webinarwas recorded live on April 4, 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date.

Expanding Business networks, tapping into diverse perspectives and strengthening teamwork, collaboration and innovation - these are the outcomes you can expect when you embrace equity, diversity and inclusion as a business imperative. Numerous studies have shown that diverse teams are more creative, productive and perform better than non-diverse teams.

In this webinar, you will learn the why and how of inclusive leadership that fosters a culture where everyone feels valued and respected. Using the AUTM Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Toolkit as a learning tool, we will discuss how to develop the a unique EDI strategy and system that is most relevant for your organization. We will cover understanding implicit and structural bias, improving global and cultural awareness, key best practices and how to measure impact.

150.00225.00WEB230404Next Generation Competitive Advantage in Tech Transfer
3/15/2023Provisional Patent Applications for Large & Small Molecules

This webinar was recorded live on March 15, 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. br/>
Provisional filings are typically a low bar for most technology transfer offices. They provide an important "date stamp" for priority and also provide a year within which to scope the market opportunity for the technology. This session will explore the use of provisional filings and the advantages and pitfalls to consider while utilizing this mechanism for IP protection.

150.00225.00WEB230315Provisional Patent Applications for Large & Small Molecules
2/9/2023iEdison Utilization Reporting Update

This webinar was recorded live on February 9, 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date.

Utilization reporting provides funding agencies with valuable information on the outputs of their extramural research programs. They allow the agencies to track successes, ensure compliance with specific statutory requirements, and realize the full impact of federal funding and the return on investment for taxpayer investment in research.

Recently the Interagency Working Group for Bayh-Dole (IAWGBD) has agreed to make specific changes in utilization reporting, which will go into effect on October 1, 2023. Agencies participating in iEdison will begin asking for annual utilization reporting. In the past, some agencies would ask for these utilization reports regularly via iEdison at the end of the contractor’s/awardee’s fiscal year, while others might ask for them outside of iEdison on an ad hoc basis. Additionally, the IAWGBD is developing a standard set of questions, modeled after the existing questions, to be asked by every participating agency. However, each agency can ask for supplemental questions related to inventions made with funding from that agency.

Join this webinar, led by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), where we will go over these changes in more depth, discuss how iEdison is being updated in association with these changes,Êlet awardees know how they can prepare for the changes, and answer questions.

150.00225.00WEB230209iEdison Utilization Reporting Update
2/2/2023VC & TTO Term Sheet for Early-Stage Life Science Startups

This webinar was recorded live on February 2, 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date.

After 2 years of work, a group of individuals from leading university tech transfer offices, venture capitalists (VCs), and law firms released a new term sheet template for early-stage life science startups emerging from academic research labs.

The panelists will discuss how the effort got started; the biggest sticking points in the negotiations; what the VCs learned about tech transfer offices and vise versa; and our hopes for how this will get used by AUTM and NVCA members going forward to help life-saving and life-improving innovations get from the research lab to the market as quickly and effectively as possible.

150.00225.00WEB230202VC & TTO Term Sheet for Early-Stage Life Science Startups
1/24/2023Medical Devices: Patent Law and the FDA Regulatory Process

This webinar was recorded live on January 24, 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date.

Regulatory approval and patent protection are key milestones for the success of any medical device. While the legal pathways to achieve each are distinct, there are important areas of interplay between the two. This webinar will address the FDA’s regulatory approval processes, common pitfalls to avoid, and how to effectively coordinate with attaining and maintaining patent protection for medical devices.

150.00225.00WEB230124Medical Devices: Patent Law and the FDA Regulatory Process
1/12/2023Research Impact Design

This webinar was recorded live on January 12, 2023. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date.

What is Research Impact Design? Do our funders, universities, and researchers care about it? There is a remarkable swing in the federal government's focus on increasing research impact with commitments to tremendous use-inspired funding opportunities. So, what can Tech Transfer do about it? Pre-Transfer Innovation Training. Join this webinar to learn how the University of Kentucky's UK Innovate is leveraging its new Micro-Certification for faculty and graduate student researchers to enhance research impact design.

150.00225.00WEB230112Research Impact Design
12/7/2022AI Patents: Maximizing Protection and Licensing Value

This webinar will be recorded live on December 7, 2022. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

In the webinar, the co-presenters will engage in a hypothetical dialogue between a university licensing officer and an outside patent attorney discussing an AI innovation that the university is considering for patenting. They will explore questions including: whether the innovation is patentable, how to frame the claims for maximum licensing value, whether to divide the claims into multiple applications, and how the claiming format supports identifying licensing partners. The discussion will focus on practical issues raised by AI which could otherwise easily be overlooked, in a format that is designed to emulate the day-to-day challenges that universities face when patenting and licensing innovations in AI.

150.00225.00WEB221207AI Patents: Maximizing Protection and Licensing Value
12/1/2022How to Manage Licensing Under the New European Patent System

This webinar will be recorded live on December 1, 2022. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

While IP professionals have been discussing the new European patent system for many years, its upcoming implementation in 2023 may have caught stakeholders off-guard. In this AUTM webinar, European-based IP attorneys will cover major aspects of this new patent system so that university technology transfer professionals and other AUTM members can be adequately prepared.

150.00225.00WEB221201How to Manage Licensing Under the New European Patent System
11/15/2022Entrepreneurial Framework to Support Program Design

This webinar will be recorded live on November 15, 2022. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

Students and researchers do not need to develop the same level of entrepreneurial skill competency when exploring research commercialization as startup founders. Early-stage startup founders don’t need to establish proficiency in the same entrepreneurial skills as founders later in the startup journey. Not all startup ecosystem players need to develop programs to support all types of founders for all entrepreneurial competency proficiency development along the startup journey.

This session will introduce two detailed & actionable frameworks to support intentional program design, focusing on driving right-sized learning outcomes to support specific progress from idea to impact. A discussion will follow on how Dalhousie University adopted these frameworks within Dal Innovates and the I-INC network with the Scientist to Entrepreneur suite of programs to support program alignment and optimization at both organizations

150.00225.00WEB221115Entrepreneurial Framework to Support Program Design
11/4/2022Spotlight Session: Non-Patented Software Innovations

This Spotlight Session will be recorded live on November 4, 2022. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

This session brings together industry and academic thought leaders to discuss best practices and experiences around commercialization of non-patented software innovations. Join us to learn how to evaluate the innovations, support startups based on them and structure agreements to extract the maximum value.

Attendees will watch the recording of a presentation from the 2022 Annual Meeting. After the presentation, the panelists will join live for a dynamic question and answer session. The presentation and the Live Q&A will be included in this recording.

25.0075.00WEB221104Spotlight Session: Non-Patented Software Innovations
10/28/2022Spotlight Session: Get the Latest on Tech Transfer Advocacy

This Spotlight Session will be recorded live on October 28, 2022. The recording will be available within 30 days of the event date. You may pre-order the recording here.

The past couple years have been remarkable in many ways — including that we heard more about the policies that guide the tech transfer profession from policymakers and the press. Attention is good, and a world-wide pandemic has given us opportunities to spread the word on how science and business can come together to quickly develop vaccines. A societal reckoning with diversity and equity is also amplifying our voices when we talk about eliminating demographic gaps in entrepreneurship and patenting.

Attendees will watch the recording of a presentation from the 2022 Annual Meeting. After the presentation, the panelists will join live for a dynamic question and answer session. The presentation and the Live Q&A will be included in this recording.

25.0075.00WEB221029Spotlight Session: Get the Latest on Tech Transfer Advocacy
10/25/2022Optimizing Your SBIR/STTR Efforts: Best Practices This webinar will show you how to overcome the biggest obstacles to building a successful SBIR/STTR program. You'll learn best practices for optimizing your university's SBIR/STTR efforts.

SBIR/STTR program managers will walk away with a roadmap to help staturps find new funding opportunities and line up collaborators/subcontractors for a high-quality application. Plus you'll learn how to streamline your startups' application and submission processes, and improve tracking of your program's metrics.

150.00225.00WEB221025Optimizing Your SBIR/STTR Efforts: Best Practices
9/29/2022How to Measure and Communicate Your Impact and Value We often communicate the impact of our tech transfer efforts by touting transactional activity — number of disclosures, licenses, startups, etc. Then we supplement that data with stories. In spite of the fact that we are really good at what we do, our stakeholders sometimes have trouble converting all those tech transfer activities into the ´value’ we are creating for the institution or the ´impact’ on the local community. Join this webinar to discover simple, effective methods to convince people that what we do really matters and helps the insitution acheive its goals.

150.00225.00WEB220929How to Measure and Communicate Your Impact and Value
9/15/2022Patent Prosecution Strategies Learn the fundamentals of patent prosecution from the perspective of a university technology transfer office. Join this webinar for a thorough overview of the patent prosecution process and related requirements and timelines. You'll gain an understanding of the best practices to critically evaluate invention disclosures, manage examination of patent application, and administer associated costs. You'll walk away with strategies for managing a portfolio of patent applications and patents with a view towards increasing value and licensees' interest.

150.00225.00WEB220915Patent Prosecution Strategies
8/31/2022Licensing University Technology 101 This webinar will address the fundamentals of the university patent license agreement. We will start with a discussion of the perspectives commonly held by the licensor, a non-profit institution with a mission to transfer technology for the public benefit, and the licensee, a business enterprise chartered to make a return on its investments. We will then introduce each section of the license agreement, explain typical terms used to capture the deal, use specific examples to illustrate potential issues created with certain approaches, and the legal underpinnings that motivate certain specific terms. Finally, we will end with a question-and-answer section.

150.00225.00WEB220831Licensing University Technology 101
8/10/2022Staffing Your TTO: Hiring Trends in University Tech Transfer

Finding the uniquely qualified talent to join your technology transfer office is very hard — especially today. Join us to discuss career growth, alternative careers, visa issues, deal sheets, networking events, the importance of getting involved in AUTM.

150.00225.00WEB220810Staffing Your TTO: Hiring Trends in University Tech Transfer
7/22/2022Spotlight Session: Entrepreneurship and Express Licenses Many university faculty members are interested in doing startups and often ask technology transfer offices for assistance. To maintain and encourage entrepreneurship on campus, universities offer favorable terms to the faculty startup using express licenses. Equity, royalties and patent reimbursement are typically included. In this session, panelists will discuss how universities are using these licenses, covering the difference in licensing terms between state and private universities, life sciences and physical sciences, and touching on those who do not offer such licenses.

Attendees will watch the recording of a presentation from the 2022 Annual Meeting. After the presentation, the panelists will join live for a dynamic question and answer session. The presentation and the Live Q&A will be included in this recording.

25.0075.00WEB220722Spotlight Session: Entrepreneurship and Express Licenses
7/15/2022Spotlight Session: Blockchain, NFTs and Universities Since the beginning of 2021, the market has seen a resurgence of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. This once nascent market is now booming, with new "coins" and "tokens" being developed everyday. The use of non-fungible tokens (or NFTs) has also become popular for tracking and monetizing ownership interests in artwork, music, audio visual files, and tickets. Join this session for a ground floor explanation of these technologies, how they can be used, and examples of actual projects.

Attendees will watch the recording of a presentation from the 2022 Annual Meeting. After the presentation, the panelists will join live for a dynamic question and answer session. The presentation and the Live Q&A will be included in this recording.

25.0075.00WEB220715Spotlight Session: Blockchain, NFTs and Universities
6/30/2022Novel Models for Licensing of Software, Content and Data
Universities licensing software, content and data must overcome many issues, including providing support services, navigating Unrelated Business Income (UBI) and Private Business Use (PBU), following state laws prohibiting certain commercialization activities, and complying with data privacy laws. This session will explore novel, innovative and validated licensing models that address these challenges. Those new models include partnerships with local subject matter experts to provide service, joint IP development and commercialization models, digital platforms for dissemination, and dual licensing. We'll also cover licensing of clinical data.

150.00225.00WEB220630Novel Models for Licensing of Software, Content and Data
6/7/2022Faculty Startups: What Were They Thinking?
Why would a faculty researcher want to start a company? Why would a university encourage them to step aside from their “day job” to do so? As a new technology transfer professional or as an entrepreneur interested in joining a faculty-founded startup, you may be familiar with the policies and procedures surrounding support of such startups, but you may not know the unspoken motivations of faculty founders or even of the university.

During this webinar, our speakers will roll play a tech transfer professional advising a faculty member interested in starting a company. Attendees will be privy to their conversations as well as the thoughts and motivations behind their spoken words. Understanding what is not said is just as crucial for supporting a successful faculty startup as the deal terms that end up written in an agreement.

150.00225.00WEB220607Faculty Startups: What Were They Thinking?
5/25/2022Building Your Revenue Stream: Research Tool Licensing
Research tool licensing provides a continuous revenue stream for the research institutions. It also enables the global research community to facilitate research and clinical developments using validated and published tools. There is a tremendous amount of untapped research tools that are published yet remain unlicensed. Attend this webinar to make the most of this opportunity to build your research tool portfolio and grow your revenue stream.

150.00225.00WEB220525Building Your Revenue Stream: Research Tool Licensing
4/5/2022Sponsored Research Partnerships: Working with the DOE
You want to move your research forward but collaborating with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) National Laboratories can sometimes be a bit of a mystery. Join this webinar to understand how to unlock the unique expertise at these 17 state-of-the-art research facilities.

The discussion will be led by Diane Hart, Manager of the Sponsored Research Office at DOE’s Argonne National Laboratory, and David Zimmerman, who recently transitioned from the university environment into a national laboratory. They will cover topics including: Overview of opportunities available within the national laboratory complex; How to work effectively with a Federally Funded Research and Development Facility; The many ways to collaborate with national labs; National labs’ focus on technology transfer; and key points you need to know about sponsored research partnerships and other engagements.

150.00225.00WEB220405Sponsored Research Partnerships: Working with the DOE
2/10/2022Confidential Disclosures
This Confidential Disclosures webinar will discuss the benefits of Confidentiality (Non-Disclosure) Agreements to both institutions and researchers. We will also discuss when such agreements are necessary, what terms and information should be included in the agreement, and other best practices for execution of these agreements.

150.00225.00WEB220210Confidential Disclosures